Thursday, 15 September 2011

Exhibition in Burnham Park Hall


Currently exhibiting a mix of drawings and digital prints of trees from 80 years ago alongside some from Burnham Beeches today.

The exhibition is at
Burnham Park Hall
Windsor Lane
Burnham, SL1 7HR

and will run from now until the end of October
Monday - Friday 9.30 - 3.30 and Thursday evenings 6-8pm by appointment
Contact Rhonda Fenwick on 01628 298584

Sunday, 11 September 2011

Autumn term about to start

Sign up NOW for drawing and painting classes starting end September.

Here is the information about the classes I'm teaching this term...

artsmart School of Art

LIFE DRAWING - all abilities
Course code 4005
MONDAY - St Michael's Hall, Beaconsfield
Time: 19.30 - 21.30
Starts Monday 19 September 2011
Drawing from life has always been the mainstay of an artist's practice. This course will introduce beginners to the fundamentals of life drawing and for those with experience the opportunity to expand their portfolio. Experience male and female models are featured throughout the 10 week term.

ADVANCED DRAWING - intermediate and up
Course code 4012
TUESDAY - artsmart studio, Beaconsfield Old Town
TIme 14.00 - 16.00
Starts Tuesday 20 September 2011

A course for those with some previous experience who now want to advance to another level. This course offers students the opportunity to choose their own subject matter and then be guided by the tutor. You can choose your own medium and either concentrate on a specific aspect such as portraiture or cover a variety of topics including still life and urban landscapes. This a new course concept and designed to be both challenging and fun!

See for more details.


Drawing and Painting for Beginners
Course code S3AR03AAM/T1
Starts 28 September 2011
Time: 09.30 - 15.00

This course aims to develop skills of observational drawing whilst practising a method of working that starts with finding inspiration from the environment and developing an idea, then takes that idea through to a finished piece of work, which may be a drawing or a painting.
It is for beginners, though experienced artists may also benefit from the concentrated time spent drawing and painting.

See for more details.